Nomad Release

Purchase of Vouchers ( i.e. Gift Cards or Gift Certificates )
We added the ability to purchase vouchers through the storefront as an new type of product. Vouchers allow a customer to enter recipient details and a short message, and after purchase the recipient(s) are sent an email with a unique gift certificate code for each voucher purchased. The voucher can then be used in checkout to pay for a portion or the total of their order.
Better Error Handling & Logging on Shipping API Calls
Occasionally, errors in various shipping providers would cause unexpected error messages to be displayed in checkout. We now handle these unexpected situations and display error messages that do not display account-specific information at any time.
XML Sitemap
Previously, the xml sitemap was available only at /sitemap/xml. We have added the more commonly used location of /sitemap.xml in order to be more discoverable by search engines and other applications.