eCommerce Learning Resources for B2B Businesses


5 Reasons Not To Use a B2C eCommerce Platform for Your B2B Business

B2C eCommerce platforms face significant challenges in meeting the diverse needs of B2B operations across at least five critical areas. These include managing complex user hierarchies, supporting intricate pricing models, addressing specific inventory challenges, ensuring seamless integration with ERP systems, and providing robust customization options tailored for B2B workflows.

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Why BigCommerce and Shopify will not work for B2B eCommerce
Nomad + Acumatica: How eCommerce Should Work

Acumatica Announcement:

As we approached 2022, Nomad’s executive team was evaluating next steps in our growth cycle. Our value has always been amplified by the level of ERP integration we delivered to our customers. Nomad isn’t simply just a website & shopping cart, we are an eCommerce platform that interacts with a company's ERP data; to the benefit of their customers.

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Personalize your b2b customers experience

Personalize Your B2B Customers Experience

In the past 2+ years, we’ve learned that the expectations of B2B buyers have changed. Some of this has been driven by the change in the demographics of the buyers. As more tech savvy people fill these positions, their comfort level with buying online is greater than their predecessors.

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4 Benefits of Ranking higher on google

4 Benefits of Ranking Higher on Google

Google shows up to 10 results on the first page when someone searches for any specific keyword term. Read more about the benefits of ranking higher on google for any company. Written by John Vachalek, CEO of Webolutions.

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5 Expectations From A B2B Buyer's Perspective

eCommerce Decision Making Guide

How do you know which eCommerce solution option is best for your business? We've created an eCommerce Decision Making Guide to help you on your quest of finding the right eCommerce platform for your business.

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5 Expectations From A B2B Buyer's Perspective

How to Get Your Customers to Use Your eCommerce Website

When it comes time to launch your new eCommerce site, you’ll likely be focused entirely on making sure the customer experience and integration are seamless. While the site itself is crucial, you should also be considering something equally vital:

Why should my customers order on this new site? How do I get them there?

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