eCommerce Architecture
How It Works
Nomad eCommerce seamlessly shares data between eCommerce and virtually any external data base.
This is made possible through APIs and ERP maps, which create a free flow of CONSISTENT and ACCURATE information, reducing administration for you and providing valuable information to your customer. Though traditional eCommerce solutions also employ APIs, the Nomad expertise lies in fully synchronizing and combining your eCommerce data with your ERP.
Directing the flow of information through APIs and ERP maps
Nomad eCommerce is a Software as a Service (SaaS) application that is built with an extensive set of APIs which allow cloud data to flow and in and out of your ERP and eCommerce site. This data flows freely through your ERP and eCommerce site through the Nomad client.
The ERP maps are what make the data flowing through the client make sense. Information flowing out of your ERP must communicate effectively with your eCommerce site, and the data flowing from your eCommerce site must be accurately reflected back into your ERP in order for the two systems to work as one. The ERP maps essentially communicate what information should go where -- directing the flow of information, like traffic, into its proper lanes. This creates consistency in your systems' information and eliminates the need for manual, duplicate entry.
The information that flows
Three major categories of data flow between your ERP software and your Nomad application: customer data, order data and item data. This includes pricing, discount information, product descriptions, item availability--any information that is necessary for a customer to successfully place and complete an order. From browsing your inventory to order delivery, your customer has full insight and access to pertinent information without having to pick up the phone.
What about modifications and updates to ERP processes?
Data touch points between your ERP and the Nomad application are written as SQL Stored Procedures for simple modifications, so that changes regarding how data should flow into your ERP have never been easier. Nomad is also built out-of-the-box to work with SQL change tracking, allowing the Nomad application to detect any changes in and out of your ERP and efficiently send only that data which has changed. Then, the Nomad application automatically synchronizes this changed data back and forth to the cloud. In short--any changes or updates made to your ERP processes will be detected and reflected in your eCommerce site, without the need for costly modifications.