Why Your Company Needs An Online Product Catalog
As you may know, having an online store opens up an opportunity for increased revenue growth for your business. Having an online product catalog is an important part of your business in many ways. Compared to print or PDF catalogs, digital catalogs can be more accurate, can streamline important information directly from your ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning Platform), and can be configurable to be shown exactly the way specific viewers want to see this data.
With ease of access, customers now have the ability to search for items effortlessly on their phone, tablet or laptop. This means that your online store doesn’t have a “closed sign” and making money during off business hours is very much a possibility.
According to B2BX Partners, 69% of B2B businesses say they expect to stop printing catalogs within 5 years.
If you don’t already have some sort of online store up now, your customers could already be looking at someone else's. Now is the time to start thinking about how you want your site to look and how easily your customers can navigate through it.
With print catalogs becoming a thing of the past as more businesses turn to digital catalogs, companies are reaching out, learning as much as they can about eCommerce and the unseen world of tagging items online to product pages.
Getting your items up on the screen can be a daunting task. There is a lot of time and attention to detail that the company needs to focus on. Many questions get pulled into play.
- Do I have an image(s) of each product I want to put online?
- Are those images high resolution? Do I have to upload all of these one by one?
- Do I need to have a description of each item? Which is the best way to lay it out?
- What about mapping? Do I need to map these correctly in the back end?
- How do I know that the search bar will include the right items?
We’ve all been to sites where we are searching unsuccessfully for an item. It can be frustrating when we can’t find what we are looking for. The right tagging of attributes for each and every product makes it easier for customers on your site to find what they are looking for – therefore, increasing the rate of purchase and likelihood of repeat business for that particular customer.
Having an ERP that keeps track of inventory and items is a great foundation and is recommended for many businesses who are converting to online sales. Connecting the ERP to your website is the key to having automatic updates and syncing over important data such as pricing, item descriptions, customers, order status and item availability. Make sure to find the right eCommerce Web Solution to help with this process.
Having a tool that can upload all of your tags and attributes for each product item is going to save you time and money and can help produce a quick-to-market site. When choosing your eCommerce Platform provider, make sure that they have an Import / Export Tool for supporting massive uploads of your products that you want to display online. This also helps with the uploading of customer lists.
Digital catalogs are a great strategic marketing tool as it will improve your customer experience and increase your reach and ultimately sales. You’ll also boost customer credibility. When you decide to carry a new product it will automatically be transferred over to your site, keeping your catalog accurate and up to date.
Nomad eCommerce can help with your digital catalog and help automate your business into greatness.