3 Ways that Nomad Improves Your SEO

3 Ways that Nomad Improves Your SEO

3 Ways Nomad Improves SEO

By Brit Finnegan, Lead Designer and SEO Manager

Now that you have a few SEO tips and best practices in your arsenal, let’s talk about how to implement these tricks, and how Nomad eCommerce makes it easy to optimize SEO for eCommerce–whether you’re a novice or expert.

Nomad eCommerce by Sniperdyne is a new, revolutionized eCommerce shopping cart application built to directly integrate with virtually any ERP system–including Exact Macola, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Syspro and more.

The team at Sniperdyne built Nomad with eCommerce and ERP integration in mind, but also with simple, easy-to-implement SEO, marketing, design and branding elements. Because what’s the point of having integrated data if your customers can’t find your site?

Here are three important ways that Nomad is designed to improve your SMB eCommerce site’s SEO:

  1. Usability

Usability, or a well-structured website, helps keep users engaged and able to find and view your products and content.

Our manufacturing and distribution customers’ catalogs of products often include thousands upon thousands of items, each with unique data points like product descriptions, photos, pricing, discount options. ERP has long been capable of handling these many items and their data. But traditional eCommerce websites haven’t been built to handle this data without great administrative efforts and feats of data entry. Nomad eCommerce was built to solve this issue.

Direct integration with ERP means that Nomad is able to sort items into nice, neat categories and pages without the need for manual reentry. The software has four types of pages:

  • System Pages (such as Home, Cart, Checkout, Account)
  • Category Pages (such as Men’s Clothing, Women’s Clothing, Tablets, Computers)
  • Product Pages (such as Men’s Graphic T-Shirt Black, Women’s Purse White, iPad 3, Dell Desktop)
  • Content Pages (such as About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy)

System pages, category pages and product pages are designed to automatically receive information directly from your ERP and vice versa, so that information in both systems remains consistent, even when data is edited or modified in one system.When your data is neatly organized within the proper categories, your customer gains a better shopping experience and you gain back hours of administration time.

This page layout also allows our customers to link Category and Content pages in the main site navigation with a site structed breadcrumb. Breadcrumbs look like this: Home > Men’s Clothing > Men’s Graphic T-Shirt, allowing users to find their way back to the root category without having to click ‘Back’ buttons.

  1. Fast page loads

In addition to providing a well-structured front end, Nomad offers a well-structured back end. The features that lay under the hood of your website can make a difference in SEO optimization, and Nomad is designed to help you take advantage of these back-end SEO boosters.

One of these features is indexing. Nomad indexes the pages on your site, which allows it to find page data faster and quickly load pages for your users to view. Nomad also utilizes application caching of page elements and logos to improve page load times and thus improve search rankings.

  1. SEO-friendly page elements

In our SEO tips and best practices for SMB eCommerce blog post, we touch on the idea of optimizing URLs, page titles, headlines and content to boost SEO. But how do you go about creating or changing these elements?

Nomad is built with a custom content management system (CMS) which is meant to be easy to use for those without formal web design experience. Through Nomad’s CMS, SEO components such as the below are easily configurable and customizable:

  • Site title
  • Page title
  • Headlines (H1, H2, H3)
  • Meta titles and meta descriptions
  • Google Analytics Tracking Code
  • Google Verification Code
  • Google Feed Category, which helps Google index your products (more information can be found in Google’s documentation)
  • Olark code (if you use this product for live chats with customers)

The goal of Nomad eCommerce is to enable SMB eCommerce retailers to compete with larger organizations on an SMB budget. By harnessing superior, efficient technology and effective SEO, marketing and design practices, our customers have achieved this time and time again.

Read their stories on our customer page, and continue to follow our blog for more SEO tips and best practices!

Brit Finnegan is the Lead Designer and SEO Manager at Sniperdyne.

Other blogs in the series:

SEO Tips and Best Practices for SMB eCommerce

A Beginner’s Guide to SEO Keywords for eCommerce

To learn more about how our manufacturing and distribution customers utilize Nomad’s eCommerce and ERP integration, visit our website.

Nomad ERP Commerce